Monday, March 25, 2019

Thankful for my Journey so far


One of the most important things to have in life is clarity of purpose.

As babies and children, we worry about nothing. We concern ourselves with food to eat,people to play with,places to visit and the things that we get that makes us happy. A child thinks of fun,fun and more fun with imaginations running wild.
  As we get older, we begin to see the responsibilities,we see and are given standards and expectations. We are told how to live,why we should live that way and the kinds of results that we should produce.
 As we get older, we experience joy,pain,wins,losses,growth,delays,disappointments,unexpected wins too. Life comes with all kinds of mixed feelings and experiences which we cannot avoid.
 We may not be able to control the things that happen to us but we can definitely determine how we respond to them and the things that we allow into our lives.
  So i was thinking about my life and how much i have experienced. I have seen good,bad,worse and great days. I use to be extremely emotional so i took a lot into heart and worried too much about the things that i could not control. I felt that it was my duty to save everyone, to be there for everyone and if possible solve all the problems in the world. lol. So ''Depression and Exhaustion'' were my best friends. I was always either going into one circle or coming out of it. What a waste of time and potentials!
 Now when i look back it is with gratitude that i found purpose and the strength to look forward, to hope everyday, to refocus. I am glad i came to a point where i told myself hard truths like ''You cannot save everybody'', You can only affect a part of life not all. You girl decide what to pay attention to and what to run away from or ignore.
 So i wake up everyday and detox, i clear my mind, i make lemonades with the lemons that life throws at me. I try to make informed and better choices and i pray for the people that i cannot save.

And so i am loving my life more, and i am living more with passion,zeal and. contentment.
And that for me is clarity of purpose, and i am so thankful for my journey!